Favorite Quote


“Be who you are, not who the world wants you to be,”-Author Unknown

We all have this place in our heart that tells us
we must do what we have to do to be accepted and wanted in life. We forget who we are and do the same things everybody else does. Right now I guess wearing skin-tight leggings and calling people “biffels” is what everyone thinks they need to do.

But the people that really stand out are the ones who aren’t afraid to be themselves. People respect them and like them because they are different. Their confidence is inspiring and tells us we can be original. We don’t have to be like everybody else because being different makes you special.
Deep down inside, we are all unique. We all have different personalities that make us who we are. Hiding that makes us average, and not special.

When I say things I wouldn’t normally say or when I do something to look cool, I read this quote because it reminds I don’t have to be who the world wants me to be. I can be me and if you don’t like me….TOO BAD!

by posted under Just Cool To Know | 2 Comments »    
2 Comments to

“Favorite Quote”

  1. March 30th, 2014 at 10:52 am      Reply Mrs. Kriese Says:

    Bravo, Ava! Well said!

  2. March 31st, 2014 at 6:37 pm      Reply Mrs. C. Says:

    That is a wonderful philosophy and so true. Sometimes it’s even tough for grownups to follow. Everyone has the need to be accepted, as you mentioned.
    Nicely written!

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