

It starts when you know. When get that tingling feeling inside. When you know that person is going to be your friend forever. You will know. The person who understands you. The person that you play with all the time.

And then, we grow older. We learn what lies and jealousy are. What it feels to have your little heart broken. What it means when friendships turn to ruin. When people reveal their true colors. When you share special secrets and the whole school knows the next day. That’s how you know if they are not your friends anymore.

But there are some friends that are true forever. The friends that keep your secrets. The friends that don’t lie to be better than you..The friends that don’t bring you down because they are jealous. The friend that doesn’t hide from you when you need help. The friend that laughs at your jokes. The person that you trust. The person that still makes you tingle with friendship. That special person that is your BFF (best friend forever).

by posted under Uncategorized | 2 Comments »    
2 Comments to


  1. December 6th, 2013 at 11:07 am      Reply Mackenzie Says:

    That is really deep I love it! I never thought about it like that

  2. December 6th, 2013 at 11:15 am      Reply mackenzief389 Says:

    I never thought about it like that. Now that is the kind of friends I want. To be able to talk to someone about anything.

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